Version status: 0.1.1 stable for T5.4, 0.0.7 for T5.3

0.0.6 added support live reloading of routes and support for contributing routes from different sources.


Inspired by sitebricks, resteasy and rails routing, tapestry-routing allows you to provide your own custom mapping between Tapestry 5 pages and URLs.


First (as always), add the tapestry-routing dependency to your pom.xml


Then annotate your pages with the @Route annotations (@At annotations are still supported and work the same way) e.g.:

Let’s say you have a page: pages.projects.Members which have 2 parameters in its activation context: (Long projectId, Long memberId) and you want the URL for that page to look like /projects/1/members/1

Just add the @Route annotation to you page, like this:

package ...pages.projects;
@Route(" /projects/{0}/members/{1}")
public class Members {
void onActivate(Long projectId, Long memberId)

That’s it!

The RouterDispatcher will take care of recognizing incoming requests and dispatching the proper render request and the RouterLinkTransformer will do the rest of the work, it will transform every Link for a page render request formatting it according to your route rule.

The RouterDispatcher is after the PageRender in the chain so Tapestry pages that matches the incoming request will always take precedence over the route rule.

CRUD and REST-like URLs

Here is an example of how tapestry-model is using tapestry-routing:

path page used for
/recipe @At(“/{0}”) public class List display a list of all recipies
/recipe/new @At(“/{0}/new”) public class Add return an HTML form for creating a new recipe
/recipe/{id} @At(“/{0}/{1}”) public class Show display a specific recipe
/recipe/{id}/edit @At(“/{0}/{1}/edit”) public class Edit return an HTML form for editing a recipe

Index Pages

You can’t have pages named *Index

The only caveat with the current implementation is that you can’t use Index pages. I mean pages named “*Index”

The way Tapestry handles *Index pages prevents the module from working properly.

My workaround (for now) is:

@Route("/") public class Home

If this “no Index pages” restriction is annoying you and you feel adventurous enough you can try this little module that allows you to have Index pages as long as they have always an empty activation context.

Contributing Routes

If you like to have all your routes configuration centralized, you don’t need to use the @Route annotation if you don’t want to. You can contribute the routes to the RouteProvider.

@Primary @Contribute(RouteProvider.class)
public static void addRoutes(OrderedConfiguration<Route> configuration, RouteFactory routeFactory) {
	String canonicalized = "subpackage/UnannotatedPage";
	configuration.add(canonicalized.toLowerCase(), routeFactory.create("/not/annotated/{0}", canonicalized));

Avoid scanning ALL the pages.

If you want to prevent tapestry-routing from scanning all the pages packages looking for the @Route annotation set the DISABLE_AUTODISCOVERY symbol to “true”. If you do this then you can either contribute your routes directly to the RouteProvider, or tell the AnnotatedPagesManager explicitly which pages do you want to be scanned.

public static void provideApplicationDefaults(MappedConfiguration<String, Object> configuration) {
	configuration.add(RoutingSymbols.DISABLE_AUTODISCOVERY, true);
public static void annotatedPagesManager(Configuration<Class> configuration) {